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We are here to help

Find the answers to our frequently asked questions below.

General Store Questions

Do you have a physical store near me?

Unless you live in South-East Idaho, no. We have one location – our shop in Felt, ID. Old West Iron is an online store. If you are having trouble finding an item, ask us! We can either show you where to find it on our website or we can probably make it as a custom order.

What fees, if any, are associated with custom orders?

We have a “One Time Draw Fee” that may apply to your order. This means if the design you want is not one of our own or if you are changing one of our designs, there will be a one time draw fee applied to the order that can range in price depending on the difficulty of the design. This also includes custom radiuses on certain items. Anything that must be drawn on CAD first and then cut out, will have a draw fee.

I placed an order but now I need to change something. What can I do?

Please call our office or send us an email to change your order. Please note that we will be charging a $10 change fee for each request carried out more than 24 hours after the order is placed.

Do you have a print catalog?

Not at this time but we have one in the works! We are hoping to have our catalog available late spring 2020.

What is your current lead time?

Our lead time is always changing depending on the amount of orders we have processing through the shop. Smaller items, such as fasteners, have an estimated 2 -5 business day lead time. Larger items (anything that has to be drawn, cut, or fabricated) have an estimated 7-14 business day lead time. Keep in mind your order lead time is calculated by the item with the longest lead time. This can be longer during summer months and around holidays, and may be shorter between February – April. For more lead time information, please click here.

I need this product yesterday! How fast can I get it?

Unfortunately, your poor planning is not our responsibility. It takes time to make these products and we do not take rush orders. Everyone wants their order as soon as possible and we will not delay other customers orders to get yours done faster. Please view the lead time associated with each product on their order form. Everyone is in a rush these days, please take a moment to understand it takes time to put quality craftsmanship into hand made products. We cannot pull your custom designed item off a shelf. If you still need something yesterday, please go to a local hardware store.

The measurements I need are not an option on the order form. What do I do?

If you are between sizes on (almost) anything, we can adjust the order for you once it’s placed or we can write it up for you! There is a comments box at check out where you can note any changes or specifications that are not listed on the order form, such as hole location and in-between sizes.

Do you offer financing or a payment plan?

We accept PayPal credit or we have a payment plan for orders over $2,000 USD. Please contact to see if you qualify and to receive the necessary paperwork.


Will this item hold up outdoors? / What finish is best for outdoors

Most of the time, the answer is “yes”. While the metal will eventually rust (a lot of factors go in to determining how long before it will) it will not lose structural integrity for well over a lifetime. The finishes - raw metal, gun -metal, and wrought iron will rust the fastest and are not recommended for outdoor use if you want to prevent rust from developing. Black and the bronze and pewter patinas will hold up longer. We also offer touch up kits if you feel the patina is starting to wear off or if you encountered a few scratches during install.

What are your products made of?

Almost all of our products are made from a low or medium carbon steel. A few products are bronze, copper, cast iron or cast steel. Materials are noted at the bottom of each category, such as “Clavos” or “Beam Straps”.

Can I get your products in Wrought Iron?

Yes and no, wrought iron is no longer made on a commercial scale, so we do not have any products made of wrought iron material. There are few iron workers in the US who specialize in Wrought Iron. Please view our article on wrought iron here. We do have a color finish that is made to mimic the look of authentic wrought iron. Please view our color finishes here.

Where are your products made?

Most of our products are made right here in our shop or are purchased from other US manufactures (such as our fasteners) to be re-worked and refinished in our shop. A few items are imported from small manufacturers in India with whom we have built relationships with over a number of years. These items include our clavos, some door / furniture hardware, and a few of the corbels. Any items that are imported are noted as such so for full transparency.

Are fasteners included?

Most of our products do not include fasteners. Some of our smaller products, such as cane bolts and hinges have options for included fasteners or just holes. Larger items, such as T plates do not include fasteners but you can purchase them from our website.

Where can I see all of your textures and finishes?

While we don’t have every product in every texture and finish, you can view sample pictures here.


What is the difference between lags, bolts, wood screws, and machine screws?

Lags and wood screws have a pointed tip and are made to screw in.

Bolts and machine screws have a flat end and receive a nut.

For more details, please view this article.

Do I need structural screws/bolts? What fasteners should I choose?

It depends on the installation purposes. If it is decorative only, you do not need structural sized fasteners. Any of fasteners will work in this case – bolts, lags, or decorative screws. If it is a structural application, we recommend anything 3/8” diameter or larger and at least 2 ½” long. Bolting through will always be more structural than screwing into. However, keep in mind that larger diameter isn’t always better, especially on older wood.

What grade are your fasteners?

All lags are grade 2/ A305. Most bolts are grade 5 but smaller sizes may be grade 2/ A305.

How do I install the square head lags/ screws?

Lags may be installed with 8 pointed sockets. Pyramid and diamond head decorative screws should be installed with the appropriate square head driver or 8 pointed socket. All of these can be found on our website here.

Can I use clavos to install plates, straps or hinges?

We do not recommend it as they are not intended to be used this way. And we especially do not recommend installing anything with a clavo that will be over head height. Our nails are only ¾” long, once you go through the metal material, you will have about ½” of nail left which is not enough to secure anything. Anytime clavos are installed, we suggest applying epoxy or another type of construction adhesive to the nail to secure it better.


What is the weight load/ strength of the plates?

While the plates themselves are structural grade, they are only as strong as the fasteners they are installed with.

What is the difference between tabbed and concealed joist hangers?

A concealed joist hanger is shaped like a box without the top and one side. This allows for the pack piece to be mounted in the wall behind the end of the joist. This is an option for joists/ beams that are not yet installed.

A tabbed joist hanger is shaped like a “U” with a tab on each side. This is to install on joists/ beams that are already up.

Can I order an angle brace at a custom angle?

Yes. We now have an option on the order form for the angle degree – 90*, 45*, 135* or custom.

Can I order an L plate at a custom angle?

Yes, we sell them as V plates. Please view the V plates here.

What is the difference between a beam strap and a mantel strap?

A beam strap is made so the two sides sit vertically. The width measurement will be the bottom of the “U”/ bottom of the beam.

A mantel strap is made so the two sides sit horizontally. The height measurement will be the bottom of the “U” / face of the mantel.

Can I bend the 1/8” thick strapping easily around something?

1/8” is still pretty sturdy. We will happily start a bend for you which will make wrapping it much easier. For additional costs, please email


What are the differences between butt, barrel, and pintle hinges?

Please see our article on hinges here. *NEED ARTICLE ON HINGES

Are your hinges strong enough to hold a 200+ lbs door?

Yes. Of course, you will want an appropriate size fastener to install the hinge. We always suggest providing us with an estimate of the door weight so our fabricator can make the hinge accordingly.

Can I bend the 1/8” thick strapping easily around something?

1/8” is still pretty sturdy. We will happily start a bend for you which will make wrapping it much easier. For additional costs, please email


What is the difference between inside and outside edge tabs on pizza oven doors?

An inside edge tab is located on the inside edge of the jamb (the space that will be the opening of the oven). This option allows for maximum oven opening and the jamb will overlay the face/ brick of the opening slightly.

An outside edge tab is located on the outer edge of the jamb. This option will allow the door to be installed inside of the oven opening so you can place it as far back in the opening as you want. It will decrease opening size by about 1 ½” on all sides of the jamb.

Do pizza oven doors come with a frame?

If you order a hinged door, yes, the jamb/frame is included.

Do your pizza oven door windows come with glass?

Yes, the glass is included in the additional cost of the window. It will be packaged in a white bubble envelope with your door.

How high do your thermometers go?

Our thermometers go up to 800 degrees F. If you choose a thermometer on your door, the thermometer will be included.

What is the damper for a pizza oven door?

Please view our Pizza Oven Door FAQ article here.

Shipping Questions

Can you ship to my country?

Yes, we can! We ship world-wide! Please view our shipping information here for more details.

Why is my shipping so expensive?

Shipping rates include shipping and handling costs. We can either build this price into our product pricing (like companies who offer free shipping do) or we can give you the full shipping cost. We have found this is a better result for the customer -- when shipping overcharges do occur, we can refund you the difference. Please keep in mind that shipping charges are calculated by weight and box size, and because metal is heavy and some items are rather large, costs can be more than expected.

Do you offer overnight/ expedited shipping?

No. Due to our location and our drivers route, packages are picked up after the cut off time for overnight and expedited shipping. Please see our shipping information for more details here.

What is the estimated delivery time?

Keeping in mind that our product lead time is separate from ship time, ship time can be between 2-5 business days depending on the shipping method you choose. Of course, this may be delayed on the curriers end by weather, road closures, etc. Please view our shipping information page here for more details.


I'm missing a product from my order, what do I do?

Soleat populo saperet eu per, tale lorem tractatos ex nec, per posse viris probatus ad. Omnes partem accusamus duo cu, no has movet eloquentiam, et tota malis nemore pri. Cu causae appareat per, id essent option mei.

Eam id reformidans voluptatibus, ubique instructior vix ad. Te velit maluisset aliquando his, harum postea deleniti ius eu. Pri agam omnis sententiae eu, ne timeam eripuit sed.

What do I do if I receive a faulty item in my order?

Diam mnesarchum cotidieque ut mei, populo quaeque definitionem ut mei. Euismod debitis vivendo est ex, alii verear comprehensam ei sea. Alia augue vituperata cum et, vim dico essent constituam cu, an equidem splendide comprehensam quo. Cum cu munere saperet deleniti, vis utamur maiorum at. Eu vidisse similique persequeris eos

Why is my shipping so expensive?

Shipping rates include shipping and handling costs. We can either build this price into our product pricing (like companies who offer free shipping do) or we can give you the full shipping cost. We have found this is a better result for the customer -- when shipping overcharges do occur, we can refund you the difference. Please keep in mind that shipping charges are calculated by weight and box size, and because metal is heavy and some items are rather large, costs can be more than expected.

Why is my order still processing?

Orders will state “processing” from the time they are paid for until they are packaged and a shipping label has been printed. Then it will state “shipped”. Any orders that have not been paid for will state “awaiting payment”.

Why is the website product code different to my delivery note?

Soleat populo saperet eu per, tale lorem tractatos ex nec, per posse viris probatus ad. Omnes partem accusamus duo cu, no has movet eloquentiam, et tota malis nemore pri. Cu causae appareat per, id essent option mei.

Eam id reformidans voluptatibus, ubique instructior vix ad. Te velit maluisset aliquando his, harum postea deleniti ius eu. Pri agam omnis sententiae eu, ne timeam eripuit sed.


What is your return policy?

For our return policy and procedure, please click here.

How do I make a gift exchange?

Diam mnesarchum cotidieque ut mei, populo quaeque definitionem ut mei. Euismod debitis vivendo est ex, alii verear comprehensam ei sea. Alia augue vituperata cum et, vim dico essent constituam cu, an equidem splendide comprehensam quo. Cum cu munere saperet deleniti, vis utamur maiorum at. Eu vidisse similique persequeris eos

What do you do with used shoes that are returned?

Soleat populo saperet eu per, tale lorem tractatos ex nec, per posse viris probatus ad. Omnes partem accusamus duo cu, no has movet eloquentiam, et tota malis nemore pri. Cu causae appareat per, id essent option mei.

Eam id reformidans voluptatibus, ubique instructior vix ad. Te velit maluisset aliquando his, harum postea deleniti ius eu. Pri agam omnis sententiae eu, ne timeam eripuit sed.

When can I expect my refund

Diam mnesarchum cotidieque ut mei, populo quaeque definitionem ut mei. Euismod debitis vivendo est ex, alii verear comprehensam ei sea. Alia augue vituperata cum et, vim dico essent constituam cu, an equidem splendide comprehensam quo. Cum cu munere saperet deleniti, vis utamur maiorum at. Eu vidisse similique persequeris eos


  +1 (844) 205-7266


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